Brighton Collaboration Science Board Election

We would like to announce the upcoming Brighton Collaboration Science Board election. The Science Board meets monthly for one hour to help determine the scientific activities of the Brighton Collaboration. It develops scientific strategies and policies, and decides on new initiatives or re-directing ongoing initiatives. The Science Board also supervises activities and provides scientific advice to working groups and committees. Traditionally, the Board sought to have a balance of members specializing in clinical assessment, regulatory, setting standards, vaccine hesitancy, database, and capacity building. The Science Board consists of ten members who are elected for a term of three years and can be re-elected for one consecutive term. Board members who have served on the Science Board for two consecutive terms may be re-elected again after a minimum period of three years.

If you wish to run for election, please submit your CV and personal statement (limit of 1 page) to by September 16th. The list of candidates will be reviewed and finalized by the Nominating Committee of the Science Board.